Friday, August 24, 2007

Thwonk by Joan Bauer

Thwonk is the story of a teenage girl who gets the unexpected help of a cupid. "Be careful what you wish for" as they say. It is kind of middle-school-girl romantic with an imaginarily mature-and-yet-immature view of high school life (Maybe sort of like Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli). It's probably best suited for girls about thirteen or fourteen years old who've watched a lot of Boy Meets World or Saved by the Bell or whatever tripe is being dished out these days. Still, it was fun, and moving at the end, and worth the three hours I spent reading it. I've read a couple of Joan Bauer's other books: Stand Tall, and Hope Was Here, and they both were great; Hope Was Here might be a five star book. Thwonk: ***

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